Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

Page 89

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Uploading the Remote Commander settings to NAVITUS Design

You can upload the Remote Commander settings to NAVITUS Design w ith the USB cable and save them as a




Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r to your PC w ith the USB cable .

Note s


Before connecting the Remote Commander to your PC, be sure to connect the supplied AC pow er adaptor to the Remote Commander.


Do not disconnect the USB cable from your PC until uploading of the Remote Commander settings is complete, as a malfunction may occur.


Do not connect several Remote Commanders to your PC at the same time, as you w ill not be able to upload the Remote Commander settings. Connect
only the RM-NX7000.


Click "File " of the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Upload from NX7000."
The "Upload from NX7000" dialog box appears.


If the project you are editing is not saved, a dialog box appears to confirm the saving before the "Upload from NX7000" dialog box appears. To save the
project, click "Save." If you do not w ant to save the project, click "Don't save."


Click "Upload."
Uploading of the Remote Commander settings starts. When uploading is complete, the "Save uploaded data as" dialog box appears, w hich allow s you to
save the Remote Commander settings as a project.


Ente r a proje ct folde r nam e on the right s ide of

in "Input a proje ct folde r nam e ."




A dialog box appears to select a folder.


Se le ct the folde r in w hich you w ant to s ave the proje ct, the n click "OK."

The display returns to the "Save uploaded data as" dialog box, and the selected folder is displayed on the left side of



Click "OK."
The "Save uploaded data as" dialog box closes, and the uploaded settings are saved under the project name entered in step 4. They are also displayed
on NAVITUS Design.

Page 89