Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

Page 13

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Click "File " of the m e nu bar and point to "M e m ory Stick ," the n s e le ct "Im port from M e m ory Stick ."
All the Memory Stick slots that are available on your PC are searched. When the Memory Stick that contains the Remote Commander settings is found,
the "Import from Memory Stick" dialog box appears.
The "Import from Memory Stick" dialog box displays the setting data type (Preset table) and the last date of data setting.


If several Memory Sticks containing the setting data are found, a dialog box appears to select a Memory Stick before the above dialog box appears. In
this dialog box, select the Memory Stick from w hich you w ant to import the data, then click "OK" to display the "Import from Memory Stick" dialog box.


Confirm the type (Pre s e t table ) and the las t date of s e tting data, the n click "Im port."
The Preset table saved on the Memory Stick is imported to NAVITUS Design.

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