Checking the operations of the action list – Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

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Checking the operations of the Action list of a function button

You can check the operations of an Action list programmed for a function button.
After connecting the Remote Commander to your PC and transmitting the remote control signal of the Action list, check if the AV component functions as you


Conne ct the Re m ote Com m ande r to your PC w ith the USB cable .

Note s


Before connecting the Remote Commander to your PC, be sure to connect the supplied AC pow er adaptor to the Remote Commander.


While checking the operations of an Action list, do not disconnect the USB cable from your PC. Doing so may cause a malfunction.


Do not connect several Remote Commanders to your PC at the same time, as you w ill not be able to check the remote control signal.


Click the EDIT s w itch in the ce nte r of the w indow to s w itch to the EDIT m ode .


Click the page that include s the function button you w ant to che ck from the Page tre e vie w on the le ft.
The selected page appears on the editor in the center of the w indow .


To check the operations of the Direct Access button, select a page of the Home display. If you w ant to check the operations of other buttons, select a
page of the Component display.


Click a function button w hos e action (of an Action lis t) you w ant to che ck on the e ditor.


Click the "Prope rtie s " tab in the uppe r right of the w indow .


Click "Te s t" of "Action lis t" on the right s ide of the w indow .
The "Test IR" dialog box appears, and connection w ith the Remote Commander is confirmed. When the confirmation is complete, you can click "Test" in
the dialog box.


Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV com pone nt of w hich the ope ration is to be che ck e d, the n click "Te s t."
The Action list of the function button (selected in step 4) is transmitted as the remote control signal. Check if the AV component functions as you


If the AV component does not function properly, check the settings of "Action list" on the "Properties" tab.

If the Action list settings are not correct, click "Edit" and edit the Action list.

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