Troubleshooting – Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

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USB Data Communication

Memory Stick

Importing Wallpapers/Skins

Editing Component Lists

Emulate Mode

Kernel Updating

Project Data

USB Data Communication

Se tting data cannot be uploade d from the Re m ote Com m ande r.

Check that the USB connection is correct.

Se tting data cannot be dow nloade d to the Re m ote Com m ande r.

Check that the USB connection is correct.

If project data capacity you edited w ith NAVITUS Design is large, you may not be able to dow nload it to the Remote Commander. Delete unnecessary
component data. If you still cannot dow nload it, it is recommended not to use imported w allpaper or skin data.

Memory Stick

Se tting data cannot be e xporte d to a M e m ory Stick .

Check the Memory Stick drive of your PC.

If the w rite-protect sw itch on the Memory Stick is set to "LOCK," you cannot w rite setting data onto it.

If the free space capacity of the Memory Stick is insufficient, you cannot w rite setting data onto it.

A Zapping vie w e r you as s igne d doe s not appe ar w he n com pone nt data is im porte d to NAVITUS De s ign.

When component data is exported to a Memory Stick, Zapping view ers and Alias actions for other components are deleted.

Importing Wallpapers/Skins

A w allpape r file cannot be im porte d.

You cannot import files other than JPEG format image files of 320 x 240 pixels.

A s k in file cannot be im porte d.

You cannot import files other than bitmap format image files. Also, you cannot import image files w hose height or w idth is shorter than the minimum skin size
(40 x 38 pixels).

A s k in file cannot be im porte d (Pack age Im port).

You cannot import files other than bitmap format image files of specified names and sizes. See "

Importing an image file for the skin


A w allpape r or s k in file you im porte d to NAVITUS De s ign doe s not appe ar and cannot be us e d.

If "Import w allpaper/skin" is set to "Particular" in "Options" of the "Tools" menu, a file you imported w hen editing a project cannot be used for another project.

Editing Component Lists

You cannot program the Alias s e tting for ce rtain k e ys w he n s e tting the LIST e le m e nt action.

Only hard keys (buttons on the Remote Commander) of a corresponding component (for example, CD in the case of CD LIST) or function keys on each page
are selectable as the destination for Alias, and at the same time, those buttons or keys must have the Preset or Learn action.

A ge nre nam e you input w ith the Re m ote Com m ande r doe s not appe ar on NAVITUS De s ign.

Genre names other than those prepared at the factory setting ("CLASSIC," "COUNTRY," "JAZZ," "POP" and "ROCK") appear as "OTHERS."

Sorting cannot be pe rform e d corre ctly by Dis c. No. in the cas e of CD LIST, for e xam ple .

Input disc numbers of the same number of digits, such as 001, 002 and 003. If not, you cannot sort List items correctly in order of disc number.

Emulate Mode

You cannot ope rate a com pone nt e ve n if you pre s s a k e y w he n the Re m ote Com m ande r is conne cte d via USB.

In Emulate mode, no signal is transmitted. This mode is used for checking the transition of displays w ith NAVITUS Design.

Page s you s e t in Edit m ode do not appe ar.

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