Changing the settings of a component key, Changing the skin (key appearance and color) – Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

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Changing the skin (key appearance and color) of a Component key

You can change the skin (key appearance and color) of a Component key. You can also customize the skin of a Component key by importing your favorite
image from your PC.


Click the EDIT s w itch in the ce nte r of the w indow to s w itch to the EDIT m ode .


Click the page that include s the Com pone nt k e y you w ant to e dit from the Page tre e vie w on the le ft.
The Component keys of the selected page appear on the editor in the center of the w indow .


Click the Com pone nt k e y w hos e s k in you w ant to change on the e ditor.


Click the "Prope rtie s " tab in the uppe r right of the w indow .


Click "Change s k in" on the right s ide of the w indow .
The "Change skin" dialog box appears.
The normal skin (as show n w hen the key is not clicked) is displayed on the left side of the "Change skin" dialog box. The pressed skin (w hen the key is
clicked) is displayed on the right side.


If you click "Import skin" at the bottom of the "Change skin" dialog box, the "Import skin" dialog box appears and you can import an image file for the skin.

The imported image file can be selected as the skin of the Component key etc.


Click "Se le ct bitm ap" of "Norm al s k in."
The "Bitmap selection" dialog box appears.


Se le ct the ne w s k in from the s k in lis t.


To select the imported image file, click

of "Skin type" and select "Imported files" from the drop-dow n list. The imported image files are displayed on

the skin list.

Note s

The skin list displays only the same-sized skin (key area size) as the old key. You cannot select a different-sized skin from the old key.

The key area size of the Component key is fixed at 98 x 61 pixel. You cannot change the key area size.


Click "OK."
The display returns to the "Change skin" dialog box, and the skin selected in step 7 is displayed in the normal skin preview .


Click "Se le ct bitm ap" of "Pre s s e d s k in."
The "Bitmap selection" dialog box appears.


Click the ne w s k in from the s k in lis t.


To select the imported image file, click

of "Skin type" and select "Imported files" from the drop-dow n list. The imported image files are displayed on

the skin list.

Note s

The skin list displays only the same-sized skin (key area size) as the old key. You cannot select a different-sized skin from the old key.

The key area size of the Component key is fixed at 98 x 61 pixel. You cannot change the key area size.


Click "OK."
The display returns to the "Change skin" dialog box, and the skin selected in step 10 is displayed in the pressed skin preview .


Click "OK."
The "Change skin" dialog box closes, and the skin of the Component key (selected in step 3) is changed.


You can check in the EMULATE mode if the changed skin is displayed properly. To sw itch to the EMULATE mode, click the EMULATE sw itch in the center of
the w indow .

The image file for the skin can also be imported by clicking "Import" of the menu bar, then selecting "Skin" or "Skin (Package Import)."

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