Creating a user list (favorites list), Creating a user list – Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

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Creating a user list (favorites list)

You can create a user list by combining component list elements.


Click the EDIT s w itch in the ce nte r of the w indow to s w itch to the EDIT m ode .


Click the page that include s the com pone nt LIST k e y from the Page tre e vie w on the le ft.
The selected page appears on the editor in the center of the w indow .


Click the LIST k e y on the e ditor.


Click the "Prope rtie s " tab in the uppe r right of the w indow .


Click "Edit USER LIST" on the right s ide of the w indow .
The "Edit USER LIST" dialog box appears, w hich allow s you to add, change, or delete the user list.


Click "Ne w USER LIST" on the right s ide of the dialog box.
The "List name input" display of the "New USER LIST" w izard appears.


Ente r the ne w us e r lis t nam e on the right s ide of "Lis t nam e ."


You can copy and paste text in the text box of the "List name" by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or by using the shortcut keys.


Click "Ne xt."
The display to edit USER LIST appears, w hich allow s you to select the element you w ant to add to the user list from the component list element.


Se le ct the e le m e nt you w ant to add to the us e r lis t, from the lis t (com pone nt lis t) on the le ft s ide of the dis play.


To select several elements, click the elements holding dow n the Ctrl key or the Shift key on your keyboard.



in the ce nte r of the dis play.

The element selected in step 9 is added to the list (user list) on the right side of the w indow .



You cannot add the same element to the user list.


To delete the added element, select the element from the list on the right side of the display, then click "Clear."


Click "OK."
The display returns to the "Edit USER LIST" dialog box, and the created user list is added to the list.

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