Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

Page 43

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Adding a page to a Component display

You can add a new page to a Component display.
Create a page w hen you w ant to create a function key but there is no space to assign it on the existing pages, or w hen you w ant to group existing function
keys by page.


Click the EDIT s w itch in the ce nte r of the w indow to s w itch to the EDIT m ode .


Click any page of the Com pone nt dis play for w hich you w ant to add a ne w page from the Page tre e vie w on the le ft.


Click "Edit" of the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Add Blank Page ."
A new page is added as the last page of the Component display, and a message dialog box appears.


Click "OK."


You can also add a new page on the Component display by right-clicking any page of the Component display from the Page tree view , then selecting "Add
Blank Page" from the menu.

When you move the function key to a new page, another blank page is also added to the Component display.

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