Importing an image file for the skin – Sony RM-NX7000 User Manual

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Importing an image file for the skin

You can import bitmap format (file extension: .bmp) image files to use for the skin. By importing image files, you can use the image of your choice as a skin of
the keys, and also, you can create keys of various shapes and sizes (an oblong key, a key of as large as half the display, etc.) that are not offered as default.
Furthermore, there is a method w ith w hich you can make the background color of a skin transparent. If you import a star-shaped or oval-shaped image, etc.,
w ith transparent background, you can create a star-shaped or oval-shaped key. For further details, see "

Setting the background of a skin transparent


You can import image files for the skin in the follow ing w ays:

To import an image clipped out from an image file

To import several image files at a time

To import an image clipped out from an image file

You can import an image clipped out from an image file as the image for the skin.


Click "Im port" of the m e nu bar, the n s e le ct "Sk in."
The "Import skin" dialog box appears.


The "Import skin" dialog box can also be displayed by clicking "Import skin" in the "Change skin" dialog box of a Component key, a function key, or a
Zapping element.



of "Look in," the n s e le ct the folde r that contains an im age file you w ant to im port.

Image files in the selected folder appear in the center of the dialog box.


Click an im age file you w ant to im port.


You cannot import image files w hose height or w idth is shorter than the minimum skin size (40 x 38 pixels).


Click "Se le ct."
The display for the clip-out method setting, etc., appears, w hich allow s you to set the follow ing items:


Im port type


Select how the imported file is to be used. The default setting is "Normal/Pressed skin file set."

Norm al/Pre s s e d s k in file s e t

Click this to import an image file to be used for both the normal and pressed skin.

Norm al s k in

Click this to import an image file to be used only for the normal skin.

Pre s s e d s k in

Click this to import an image file to be used only for the pressed skin.


When you import image files w ith the "Normal/Pressed skin set" option, the transparent area (w hich corresponds to the Press gap "2") is
automatically added to the border of image files for the normal skin and pressed skin.
For example, if you import the follow ing image file (98 x 61 pixels), the area indicated in cyan-color is automatically added to the normal skin (1) and
pressed skin (2) respectively, as show n below .

Note that, w hen you import image files w ith the "Normal skin" or "Pressed skin" option, the transparent area is not added automatically.


Ke y are a s ize



and select the key area size.


When you select a key area size, the frame that show s the size of the key area appears in the preview area on the right side of the dialog box. The
area enclosed by this frame w ill be imported as an image for the skin.


Drag and drop the frame to decide the portion to be imported.


The key area w hose height or w idth is longer than the original image cannot be selected.


You can also move the frame by clicking the frame to select it and pressing the arrow key on your keyboard.


File nam e
Enter a file name for the imported image file. The name of the file (selected in step 3) is displayed by default.

Note s

File names of image files (not including the file extension) for the normal skin are automatically suffixed w ith "_n." File names of image files for the
pressed skin are automatically suffixed w ith "_p."

You cannot set the same file name as any existing image files used for the skin.

If you import image files w hose name includes 27 letters or more, the first 26 letters becomes file name on NAVITUS Design.


Click "Im port."

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