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Part 1
2 ProfIPAQ-H/-HX/-L Installation and Maintenance
2.1 General
Electrical temperature sensors such as RTDs and thermocouples produce low-level signals
proportional to temperature. The ProfIPAQ temperature transmitter converts the analogue
sensor signal to a digital signal that is relatively insensitive to lead length and electrical
noise. This digital signal is then transmitted over the bus to the configuration device and the
control system.
The ProfIPAQ transmitter is compatible with many RTD and thermocouple sensor types as
well as potentiometer and voltage input. Figure 12 shows the correct input connections to
the sensor terminals on the transmitter.
If the sensor is installed in a high-voltage environment and a fault condition or
installation error occurs, the sensor leads and transmitter terminals could carry
lethal voltages. Use extreme caution when making contact with the leads and terminals.
2.1.2 Ex installation
For a safe installation in hazardous area the transmitter must only be installed by
qualified personnel that are familiar with the national and international laws,
regulations, directives and standards (e.g. EN50039, En 50284, IEC 60079-14 and IEC
60079-17) that apply to the installation conditions.
2.1.3 Default Settings
The ProfIPAQ transmitter has a standard configuration when it is delivered from factory.
These settings can be changed by either the ProfiSoft software, via Simatic PDM system or
via any other system using the ProfIPAQ DDL.
Default Settings:
Input signal:
Pt100, 4-wire
Output signal:
Sensor Monitoring:
2.2 ProfiSoft Communication
Communication to ProfIPAQ via ProfiSoft and INOR Communication cable must
NOT be performed unless the area where the transmitter is located is known to
be non-hazardous. When installed in hazardous area always use the PROFIBUS
communication to change settings.