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4.1.9 Customized Linearization, Datapair
In transmitters from the ProfIPAQ family the customized linearization is described with
datapairs, and if two input channels are used they will both use the same linearization table.
If you choose the customized linearization, press the Enter Datapair button and a new
window will appear (se figure 26 Enter Datapair). In this window there are nine icons, and
their functions are (from the left):
Open a saved datapair configuration file and load it into ProfiSoft configuration.
Save current datapair configuration to a file on the PC.
Print current datapair configuration from the datapair window.
Sort entered datapairs, in ascending order.
Reset all entered datapairs values to 0.
Insert row. Will insert a new row before the selected cell (moves the selected
cell to next datapair). This moves all datapairs after the selected one step
ahead and the last datapair (if more than 50) will be lost.
Delete row will delete the selected datapair, and move all of the following
datapairs one step forward.
OK saves the datapairs temporary on the PC, for downloading later on, as long
as the ProfiSoft is activated. It will not download the datapairs to the device.
This is useful when configuring more than one device with the same datapairs.
Exit the Enter Datapair function, without saving the datapair configuration.
Figure 26 Enter Datapair
The sensor function can be described by 2 to 50 datapairs. These datapairs does not
have to be evenly spread over the linearization interval.
Note: It is not allowed to have any double datapairs that describes the same point.
There must not be e.g. more than one datapair describing the point (0,0). The function
described must also be continuously increasing.