5 profipaq in a profibus system – INOR PROFIPAQ-L User Manual
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5 ProfIPAQ in a ProfiBus system
5.1 DDL-file
INOR supplies a DDL-file (EDD) that supports the ProfIPAQ transmitters. EDD is an
electronic device data sheet ( (E)DDL = (Electronic) Device Description Language), used in
the acyclic communication with the Profibus device. A EDD typically describes the
application-related parameters and functions of a field device such as configuration
parameters, ranges of values, units of measurement, default values, etc. A EDD is a
versatile source of information for engineering, commissioning, runtime, asset management,
and documentation. The DDL/EDD-file can be described as a device driver file that describes
the device characteristics to a universal configuration tool like the Siemens Simatic PDM,
where the ProfIPAQ DDL is integrated into (from version 5.1). If you are using another
universal managing system the ProfIPAQ DDL can be downloaded from INOR webb-page
and installed into your system.
5.2 GSD-file
GSD is a readable ASCII text file and contains both general and device-specific
specifications for cyclic communication to a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). For more
technical information on the GSD file see the Profibus organisation webb-page
. The ProfIPAQ GSD file can be downloaded from INOR webb-page
or from the Profibus webb-page
and installed into your