Ultrasonic distance sensors, High performance no-touch position sensing, Ultrasonic – Honeywell Switches and Sensors User Manual

Page 119: Working method, Application criteria, Reflective properties, Target shape and surface, Inclination to beam angle

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Ultrasonic Distance Sensors

Ultrasonic sensing systems offer no-touch distance measurements to an

accuracy of 1 mm through dust, smoke and vapour, in areas of high noise

level, and with all types of target materials, shapes and colours, with sensing

ranges from 100 mm up to 6000 mm.

High performance no-touch position sensing

Increased reliability, no contamination. Honeywell ultrasonic sensors operate

by exciting an acoustic transducer with voltage pulses, causing the transducer

to vibrate ultrasonically. These oscillations are directed at a target and by

measuring the time for the echo to return to the transducer, the distance may

be calculated. This measurement technique in no way interferes with the

object - it does not contaminate the target, nor does it affect the position. And

being no-touch, there are no mechanical linkages to wear out.


Factory noise does not affect operation because the operating frequency is

well above the frequency of ambient sound. And because sound is used, air

pressure, humidity and airborne contamination have little effect on accuracy;

target shape, material and colour are also not critical.

Working method

The sensors work with an ultrasonic transducer used for both transmitting

and receiving. In each cycle, ultrasonic pulses will be transmitted. The pulses

are then reflected back from the target, and received by the sensor. By means

of the temperature compensated measurement of the elapsed time of the

acoustic signal, the target distance is determined, with a high degree of

accuracy. The resulting measurement can be output either as an analogue or a

digital signal.

Figure 1 shows the elapsed time of the acoustic pulse. The diagram shows how the pulse
travels from the transducer to the target, is reflected at time T/2, and reaches the
transducer at time T. Below is a diagram of the voltage at the ultrasonic transducer.

Elapsed time T is directly proportional to object distance a. a = cT/2, where c is the
velocity of sound.

Application criteria

The maximum sensing range depends on a number of factors such as target

shape, surface, inclination to the beam axis, surface composition and

environmental influences. The range values included in this catalogue are

based on a target made of flat, sound-reflecting material at 25°C and still air,

placed vertical to the beam axis.




Target object distance




Reflective properties

Almost all materials and targets reflect sound, and can therefore be detected.

Only sound-absorbing materials such as cotton wool, or foam rubber are

either difficult or impossible to detect. Certain materials, such as textiles,

weaken the ultrasonic signals, as a result of which the maximum sensing

distance is less than half of the nominal value.

Target shape and surface

All object shapes and surfaces can be measured using ultrasonic sensors, up

to the maximum distance at which a sufficient echo reaches the sensor.

Cylindrical, conical and small objects reduce the measuring range.

Inclination to beam angle

If a smooth, flat target is inclined at more than half of the nominal beam angle

to the normal beam axis (e.g. 5°), the echo is deflected so far that, under

certain conditions, no signal is received by the sensor (see Figure 2 overleaf).

At shorter target distances, the target can be inclined up to the beam (e.g.

10°) from the beam axis. In the case of targets with a rough surface, the

acoustic beam is reflected diffusely. The angle of inclination to the beam may,

under certain circumstances, be up to 50°, but the maximum sensing

distance is reduced.