Logon using a password or fingerprint, Logon using a password and fingerprint – HP h5400 User Manual

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Using the Fingerprint Reader

Reference Guide


Logon Using a Password or Fingerprint

You must enter a password or swipe the finerprint you entered
during setup.

1. Turn on your iPAQ Pocket PC.

2. Enter your password or swipe your enrolled finger.

To type letters, numbers, or punctuation, tap the Keyboard button
at the bottom right corner of the screen. If you do not enter the
correct password, you will be prompted to try again.

3. Swipe your fingerprint if you did not enter your password.

Logon Using a Password and Fingerprint

You must enter both a password and swipe the fingerprint you
entered during setup. iPAQ Fingerprint Reader remembers your
logon preference.

The next time you logon, the Password or Fingerprint screen
corresponding to your last logon will be displayed.

1. Turn on your iPAQ Pocket PC.

2. Enter your password.

If you do not enter the correct password, you will be prompted to
try again.

3. Tap OK.

4. Swipe your enrolled finger.