HP 5400ZL User Manual
Page 76

Static Virtual LANs (VLANs)
Configuring VLANs
forbid < port-list >
Used in port-based VLANs to configures
< port-list > as
“forbidden” to become a member of the specified VLAN, as
well as other actions. Does not operate with protocol VLANs.
The “
no” version sets the port(s) to either No or (if GVRP is
enabled) to
Auto. Refer to chapter 3, “GVRP”, in this guide.
auto < port-list >
Available if GVRP is enabled on the switch. Returns the per-
port settings for the specified VLAN to
Auto operation. Note
Auto is the default per-port setting for a static VLAN if
GVRP is running on the switch.
(For information on dynamic
VLAN and GVRP operation, refer to chapter 3, “GVRP”, in this
For example, suppose you have a VLAN named VLAN100 with a VID of 100,
and all ports are set to
No for this VLAN. To change the VLAN name to
Blue_Team” and set ports A1 - A5 to Tagged, you would use these commands:
ProCurve(config)# vlan 100 name Blue_Team
ProCurve(config)# vlan 100 tagged a1-a5
To move to the vlan 100 context level and execute the same commands:
ProCurve(config)# vlan 100
ProCurve(vlan-100)# name Blue_Team
ProCurve(vlan-100)# tagged a1-a5
Similarly, to change the tagged ports in the above examples to
No (or Auto, if
GVRP is enabled), you could use either of the following commands.
At the global config level, use:
ProCurve(config)# no vlan 100 tagged a1-a5
- or
At the VLAN 100 context level, use:
ProCurve(vlan-100)# no tagged a1-a5
N o t e
You cannot use these commands with dynamic VLANs. Attempting to do so
results in the message “
VLAN already exists.” and no change occurs.