Pointing the antenna, Chapter 5 pointing the antenna, Chapter 5 – Hughes DIRECWAY AN4-074-DF User Manual

Page 53: Chapter 5 – pointing the antenna

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Chapter 5 • Pointing the antenna

1035567-0001 Revision A


Chapter 5

Pointing the antenna

This chapter explains how to point the antenna and connect the
transmitter. Topics include:

Antenna pointing overview on page 38
Prerequisites for antenna pointing on page 41
Adjusting the antenna on page 42
Checking the azimuth, elevation, and polarization settings on

page 44

Receive pointing on page 45
Isolating the transmit signal on page 50
Final steps on page 52

As you perform these procedures, observe the following safety


This device emits radio frequency energy when in

transmit mode. To avoid injury, do not place head or
other body parts between feed horn and antenna when
system is operational. Keep at least 2 ft away from the
area between the feed horn and the reflector when the
system is operational.

Disconnect power from the IDU before performing

maintenance or adding upgrades to any antenna