ProSoft Technology AN-X-MOD User Manual
Page 73
AN-X-MOD (Master) Page
You can configure the AN-X to use DHCP or to use a static IP address.
The host name can contain alphanumeric characters and a hyphen.
Click SUBMIT to set the parameters.
When prompted, click CONTINUE to reboot the AN-X with the new
Archive Configuration
You can archive all the current AN-X configuration files and log files
from the web interface. The archive file is a standard gzip compressed
tar archive.
Select Administration/Archive configuration.
Click on the Archive File link and save the file. Select the destination
where the file will be stored.
See also other documents in the category ProSoft Technology Relay:
- ILX69-PBS (102 pages)
- MVI69E-LDM (130 pages)
- ILX69-PBM (124 pages)
- MVI69L-MBTCP (152 pages)
- PS69-DPS (108 pages)
- MVI69E-MBTCP (150 pages)
- MVI69L-MBS (154 pages)
- MVI69E-MBS (162 pages)
- PS69-DPM (130 pages)
- MVI69-FLN (137 pages)
- MVI69-DFNT (167 pages)
- MVI69-GEC (86 pages)
- MVI69-PDPS (96 pages)
- MVI46-S3964R (80 pages)
- MVI46-S3964R (78 pages)
- MVI46-DNPSNET (119 pages)
- MVI69-ADMNET (122 pages)
- MVI56-104S (188 pages)
- MVI69-ADM (342 pages)
- MVI69-MCM (167 pages)
- 5307-MBP-HART (169 pages)
- MVI69-PDPMV1 (225 pages)
- MVI69-GSC (102 pages)
- MVI69-DNP (129 pages)
- MVI69-DFCM (117 pages)
- MVI69-103M (131 pages)
- PC56-OPC (34 pages)
- MVI46-MBP (101 pages)
- MVI69-101S (149 pages)
- MVI56-103M (152 pages)
- MVI56-DFCMR (113 pages)
- MVI56-DNP (193 pages)
- MVI56-LTQ (98 pages)
- ILX56-MM (112 pages)
- MVI56-BAS (234 pages)
- MVI56-DFCM (106 pages)
- MVI46-PDPS (88 pages)
- MVI56E-MNETCR (159 pages)
- MVI46-AFC (316 pages)
- MVI56E-MNETC (183 pages)
- MVI56E-GSC/ GSCXT (140 pages)
- MVI56-PDPMV1 (255 pages)
- MVI46-MNETC (153 pages)
- CLX-APACS (53 pages)
- MVI56E-MNET/MNETXT (181 pages)