ProSoft Technology AN-X-MOD User Manual
Page 18
AN-X-MOD (Master)
November 2011
In this example, we assigned the computer an IP address of
We set the Subnet mask to (standard mask for the Class C
network address of 192.168.0.x).
We set the Default gateway to (this address does not exist on
the Ethernet network but AN-X requires a valid default gateway entry).
Click OK to accept the settings
Connect the computer to AN-X using the crossover cable.
If this is the first time you have used the AN-X module, it will look for a
DHCP server on the network. It waits about three minutes, then reverts
to a default IP address of
Power up the AN-X and wait for the search for a DHCP server to time
out. When the search for a DHCP server times out, AN-X repeatedly
flashes the SYS LED red three times followed by a pause.
Run AnxInit. Select Utilities/Locate All AN-X Modules and confirm that
it finds the AN-X.
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- MVI56-103M (152 pages)
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- MVI46-AFC (316 pages)
- MVI56E-MNETC (183 pages)
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- MVI46-MNETC (153 pages)
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- MVI56E-MNET/MNETXT (181 pages)