PLANET FRT-401 User Manual
Page 27

Select PPPoE (ADSL) in the WAN Connection Type drop-down list and the following
page appears. If the WAN connection type is set to PPPoE, you can configure the
following parameters to PPPoE dial up.
PPPoE Mode
User Name:
User name of PPPoE account
Password of PPPoE account
Verify Password:
Enter the password of PPPoE account again.
Operation Mode:
It provides two types of operation modes.
Keep Alive
means keeping on-line mode. You can set the redial period in the field.
When the redial period expires, Router will execute dial-up again to keep online.
On Demand
means executing dial-up on demand. Within the preset idle time, if
Router does not detect the flow of the user continuously, Router automatically
stops the PPPOE connection. Once it detects the flow (e.g., accessing a
webpage), the router restarts the PPPOE dial-up.
MAC Clone
Enable or disable.
After finishing setting, click Apply to save the settings and make the new configuration
take effect.
Click Cancel to close without saving.