9 next maintenance calculation, 1 calculation of next maintenance and diagnostics, Calculating unit wellness – Emerson Liebert iCOM User Manual

Page 43: Next maintenance calculation, Calculation of next maintenance and diagnostics

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Next Maintenance Calculation

The next maintenance calculation, as well as the included diagnostics feature, will help run the cool-

ing unit optimally to ensure minimum component stress resulting in maximum reliability. The diag-

nostics will help the service engineer evaluate the unit’s operation, reading back operational data

since the last maintenance.

3.9.1 Calculation of Next Maintenance and Diagnostics

The following components are included in the calculation, each one individually:

• Fan(s)
• Compressor 1
• Compressor 2
• Electric Heaters
• Humidifier

For each individual component, the next maintenance will be calculated from the following parame-


• Standard service interval (1, 2 or 4 times a year) (to be set)
• Working hours (counted)
• Number of starts (counted)
• Average running time (calculated)
• Optimum number of starts per hour (to be set)
• Maximum number of starts per hour (to be set)
• Maximum bonus to enlarge time to next maintenance (to be set)
• Maximum penalty to reduce time to next maintenance (to be set)

Calculating Unit Wellness

Liebert iCOM keeps tabs on the condition of a cooling unit, determining its wellness and projecting

when service will be needed, for the entire unit as well as for individual components. This assists in

scheduling maintenance calls and helps pinpoint components likely to require service.
Liebert iCOM displays a graphic for needed maintenance. It begins with the standard maintenance

interval—12 months, six months or three months—and adjusts that based on its calculation of compo-

nents’ wellness.
To calculate wellness, Liebert iCOM keeps a running total of component working hours and the num-

ber of times it has been started. Liebert iCOM relates that data to the optimum/maximum starts per

hour. Accordingly, Liebert iCOM will increase or decrease the time before the next service call will be

The more frequently a component starts, the sooner it is likely to need maintenance. If, for example, a

unit’s fan runs continuously, but it’s compressor starts and stops often, Liebert iCOM records that

and calls for maintenance based on the compressor’s wellness factor.
Alarms and warnings, such as clogged filters or high or low pressure, reduce the time till the next

maintenance to zero. If the alarm is cleared and reset, Liebert iCOM recalculates wellness. It begins

with the pre-alarm maintenance time and factors in the alarm.