Complete taking the data set for this direction – Retrotec Blower Door User Manual
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©Retrotec Inc. 2015
On the DM32, you can tap Channel A to activate the Hold feature so the readings don’t change while you’re writing
them down. On the DM-2, press the HOLD key. Write down all your readings.
Adjust your test fan using Set Speed
All Retrotec fans have a knob for controlling speed. You used this in the earlier check to ensure that the Range
installed on the fan is correct and will allow the fan to pressurize to the desired target pressures. You can use
the knob or you can use the Set Speed button on the gauge to get to each target pressure.
To take each target pressure point:
1. Adjust fan speed to your highest target point. Once you get within 10% of your desired test pressure, press
the “@” Key to get results at exactly the target pressure
2. Activate the Hold feature so the readings don’t change while you’re writing them down. To activate: On the
DM32, tap Channel A; on the DM-2, press the HOLD key.
3. Write down all your readings.
4. Repeat for each required target pressure
Adjust your test fan using Set Pressure
You can use the Set Pressure button on the gauge to get to each target pressure. Using set pressure is fastest
and most accurate, but heed the following warning.
Warning: using Set Pressure on the gauge will allow the fan to run up to full speed should a door be opened
during the test, possibly causing damage. If in doubt, adjust speeds using the control knob or Set Speed.
To take each target pressure point:
1. Use Set Pressure on the gauge, and enter the desired target pressure.
2. Observe the flow on Channel B. Change the Range if you cannot achieve the test pressure or if no flow
reading appears on Channel B.
3. Once you get within 10% of your desired test pressure, press the “@” Key to get results at exactly 50 Pa.
4. On the DM32, tap Channel A to activate the Hold feature so the readings don’t change while you’re writing
them down. Press the HOLD key on the DM-2.
5. Write down all your readings.
6. Repeat for each required target pressure
Complete taking the data set for this direction
If your standard requires a post-test baseline, follow the steps as you did in section 4.13.4 when capturing the pre-
test baseline.
This will complete a single Data Set for this test. Depending on the direction of fan flow, this data set will be either a
Pressurization or a Depressurization Data Set.
Take another data set with fan flow in the other direction
Once the Data Set in the first direction is complete, turn the fan around and start again at section 4.13.4. Collect
data until you have taken another pre-test Baseline, another set of target points and a post-test Baseline.