Retrotec Leakage Split Kit User Manual
Leakage split kit

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Leakage Split Kit
Flex-duct for ceiling neutralization Field Calibration Plate
Raised Floor Adapter Panel
Flex Duct Installation for Ceiling Neutralization
The Retrotec Flex Duct enables you to quickly neutralize the pressure difference across a
ceiling. The kit is comprised of a 12 foot, 24 inch diameter flexible foil tube, and a
protective case. The Flex Duct is quick to install and is compatible with any Retrotec fan
Before You Begin
A Flex Duct test requires that two fans be installed in the
door opening. The upper fan measures lower room leaks
while the lower fan neutralizes leaks above the ceiling.
The photo shown right illustrates a two-fan door opening
installation with a Flex Duct attached.