Retrotec Triple Fan Blower Door System Setup with DM-2 User Manual
Quickguide-blower door-qmg 3 gauge, 1 setup the dm-2s, 2 set up the building

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QuickGuide-Blower Door-QMG 3 Gauge
Read and experiment with each step
To perform automatic or multi-point tests*, refer to the FanTestic Software Manual and the DM-2 Operator’s Manual
*Tests for CGSB 149, LEED, ASTM E778, ASTM 1827, EN13829, and ATTMA TS-1 may require more elaborate steps and training. This guide is
intended only for familiarization with the controls.
For the latest Retrotec documentation, visit us at:
1 Setup the DM-2s
1.1 Setup the DM-2s as needed for the required
testing standards
See: QuickGuide-DM2MkII
1.2 Ensure that rechargeable
batteries are fully charged
(may take eight hours or
more), or that spare
batteries are available for
each gauge.
2 Set up the building
2.1 Close the outside doors and windows.
2.2 Open all interior doors leading to conditioned
2.3 Shut off HVAC (exhaust fans, dryers, A/C,
2.4 Turn gas hot water to pilot.
2.5 Place paper over any open ashes.
Close all windows
Gas valve to Pilot
Cover ashes with
Fans must be plugged into three
separate circuits!