Retrotec Blower Door User Manual
Page 36

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©Retrotec Inc. 2015
their corresponding color coded ports on the back of the Retrotec gauge. Color coding is the same on both the DM-
2 and the DM32. The Speed Control Cable connects to the port marked “Speed Control” on the DM-2 or to the port
marked “Control” on the top of DM32.
Figure 28: DM-2 to fan connection.
To connect the fan to a digital gauge
1. All Retrotec fans include a yellow “Ref B” port (might be brass on some models of 3300 fans). Connect the
yellow pressure tube from “Ref B” on the fan to the yellow port on the gauge, “Ref B (-)”.
1. For most Door Fan tests, a red pressure tube is run through the Door Panel (away from the tester). The
other end of the red pressure tube should be connected to the red pressure port on the gauge.
2. Some model fans will include a self-referencing port (green). Connect the green tube from the port marked
“B” on the fan (usually green), to the green port on the gauge.
3. If available, a blue pressure tube can be connected to the blue port on the gauge, for some types of testing.
The green reference port is available on self-referencing fans (3000SR and DU220). When this port is present on the
fan, connect a green tube from the green port on the Fan Top to the green port on the gauge. The green tube
connection will ensure that results are accurate, regardless of the direction of the fan's airflow. A Self-Referencing
fan is not affected by airflow that is directed towards the operator, whereas non-self-referenced fans are affected.
When the airflow is directed towards the operator, non-self-referenced fans need to have Fan Pressure
measurements corrected for back pressure before air flow results can be calculated. Ensure that the correct Device
is chosen on the gauge so the gauge can determine if a correction needs to be applied.
Reference the specific test procedure for more information on which connections need to be made to set up for
specific tests.
To control the fan speed with a DM-2
1. Connect the included Speed Control Cable from the Fan Top to the control port on the top of the gauge. If
the original yellow Speed Control Cable provided by Retrotec is unavailable, any standard CAT5, Ethernet-
style cable can be used, but users may experience interference between the fan and the gauge.
1. Additional Speed Control Cables can be used to link multiple fans together, with the primary fan being
connected to the gauge. This will allow one gauge to control the fan speed of all fans in a chain.