Gauge measures two pressures during the test, 4 gauge measures two pressures during the test – Retrotec Blower Door User Manual

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©Retrotec Inc. 2015

Figure 3: Range Configuration components for 2000/3000 series fans.

See section 4.3 and 4.9 for details on how to select the correct Range Configuration for the test.


The Door Panel seals off a doorway and provides

a fan mount

Retrotec offers three types of Door Panels. The most common style of Door Panel is a Cloth Door
Panel on an aluminum frame. Modular Door Panels are a set of solid panels that expand to fit most
doors, and offer a quick setup or take down option that is professional looking and easy to carry.
For large buildings, three fans can be mounted in one Three-Fan Panel, to maximize the airflow
pushed through one doorway.

See section 3 for details on each type of Door Panel, and set up instructions.


Gauge measures two pressures during the test

The Retrotec digital gauges (DM32 or DM-2) are two channel differential pressure gauges. A
differential pressure gauge measures the pressure difference between two locations. The gauge
provides two channels, each of which can measure a pressure difference (between 2 ports).
Channel A measures the difference in pressure between the blue and red ports, and Channel B
measures the pressure difference between the green and yellow ports. The gauge can also provide
fan speed control functions, as outlined in section 0.

In its role as a two channel differential pressure gauge during the Blower Door test, one channel of
the gauge is used to measure the Fan Pressure and one channel is used to measure the Room or
Induced Pressure. The Fan Pressure is the pressure inside the fan that is developed while the fan
brings the room to the test pressure. The Room or Induced Pressure is the pressure difference
between the area in which the gauge is located, and the other side of the Door Panel.

To measure the Fan Pressure difference between the fan interior and the pressure at the green port
on the gauge, the yellow port on the gauge is connected to the fan through a yellow tube. If the fan
provides a green port (fan is self-referencing), the green port on the gauge should also be connected
to the green port on the fan.

To measure Room Pressure, the red tube is connected to the red port on the gauge and then run
through a small hole in the cloth to the other side of the Door Panel. The blue port on the gauge is
open to the pressure in the room so the difference between the pressure in the room and the other
side of the Door Panel is measured on Channel A.

It is very simple to connect a Retrotec fan to the digital gauge. Depending on which model fan is in
use, there will be some combination of red, blue, green, and yellow pressure tubes included. These