Remote Processing RPC-220 User Manual

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S E C T IO N 1

The RPC-220 is a small embedded controller
program mable in C or assembly. Included is a monitor
to facilitate program downloading and debug.
Program ming is usually done on a PC using any 8051
compatible assembler or C compiler. Additional
hardware features include:


On car d flash EP ROM allows pr ogram updates in
the field without remo ving any parts.


LCD charac ter por t with contr ast adjustme nt. A
keypad may also be connected.


Second software serial port


Watchdog timer resets card


N i ne te e n + i nd iv id u al ly p ro g ra m m ab le d ig it al I/ O


Two P WM outputs (shared with analog o utputs)


Eight channel, 10 bit resolution A-D converter


T w o an a lo g ou tp u ts (s ha r ed w it h P W M )


Real time clock with inte rrup ts


Low power modes and wide input voltages

The RPC-220 uses a Phillips 80C552 CPU operating at
22.1184 M hz. T his CPU is software com patible with the
Intel 8051 series of CP Us.

A monitor is standard with the flash. The m onitor
facilitates program development and, w hen development
is complete can be replaced by the final program. The
ROM can also be replaced by other third party software
interfacing to debugging software.

The RP C-220 is available in 3 differe nt models.

P / N



Full featured with 512K battery backed
RAM , rea l time clock, 32K flash type
EPROM , 10 bit, 8 channel A-D, 2 channel
D-A (derived from PWM signal),
counter/timers. Low power mode draws
less than 5 ma. 5. 0/5.4 to 21 volt power
input without a heat sink. Operating
current is about 90 ma.


Similar to P/N 1710 except RAM is 128K.
Low power mode is 40 ma. Operating
current is about 150 ma.


Low cost version. No clock, battery
backup, analog output, or reset switch.


This manual, along with the application disk, provides
information to write C code and download it to the card.
Softwar e exam ples use the D unfield M icro-C , bu t should
be adaptable to any other softw are vendor s.
Each chapter has one or more ready-to-run program
showing how to use a feature. Wr iting your program
should be a simple matter of combining parts of
program s into your own. T he RPC-220 pr ogramm ing
disk has both source code a nd output for all exam ples.
S a m pl e p r o gr a m s r u n s ta n d a lo n e, m e a ni ng th e r e i s s o m e
measur ement an d display going o n or an ou tput.

This manual assumes you are fam iliar with 8051 C
and/or assembly language. If you are not experienced
with C, you may want to refer to books and training
programs available through many colleges. The C
compiler vendor you are using to develop progr ams w ill
have program ming information specific to the 8051.


There are several PDF files which have detailed
information about the 80C552 CPU. These files are
viewed us ing a PD F re ader suc h as Adob e Acr obat,
version 2.1 or 3 or later. You m ay print these out to get
more inform ation as they are referred to frequently.

8 X C 5 52 O V . P D F

Program ming information.

8 0 C5 5 2X . P D F

Electrical information for the
80C552. This is a subset of
F A M H D W R . P D F .

F A M H D W R . P D F

80C51 hardwa re information.

P R O G GU I . P D F

80C51 programming guide.

A N 4 1 8. P D F

83C552 timer 2 application note.

9 3 01 7 . P D F

8XC552 analog input application

NOTE: Ther e is an err or in the 8X C552O V. PDF data

file. Figures 6 and 7 are in error. The RTE
register in Figure 6 resets bits P4. 0 to P4.5 on a
match to C M1, not CM 2. T he STE register in
Figur e 7 sets bits P4. 0 to P4. 5 on a ma tch to
CM1, not CM2.


The optional real time clock file is 1689-93.PDF. As
with the 80C552 information, these are read and printed
using a PDF reader.