1about acws – RISCO Group ACWS User Manual

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User Manual for ACWS

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© RISCO Group



About ACWS

Access Control Web Station (ACWS) is a Web-based application (a part of the Risco Access Control System).

The application is used for two purposes:

Visitor Management

Automation Execution


Users and Prerequisite

A person can log on to ACWS application if Can Host Visitors and/or Can Execute Automation option is

enabled for that Person in the Access Control User Station (ACUS). Even if any one of them is enabled, you

will be able to access that particular feature in ACWS. For example, if only Can Host Visitors is enabled, then

you may add visits and visitors only. The Trigger Automation option will not be visible.


Features of ACWS

ACWS currently offers the following features:

• Using ACWS, you (who is an employee of the organization where RAC system is deployed) can add

visits and visitors in the system.

• The visits and the visitor details that are created in ACWS are reflected in ACUS and can be viewed

and monitored by the administrative office of any organization.

• You can only view those visits that are hosted by the current logged on user. However the person

can view all the visitors currently present in the section data.

• Apart from visitor management, you can execute automations from ACWS. The automations that

are marked to be executed from any Web page are visible in ACWS. You may execute the
automation as configured in ACUS. There are three scenario’s which are discussed in detail in


Executing Automation


• ACWS is a multilingual application that supports five languages – English, French, Italian, Dutch and
