RISCO Group ACWS User Manual
Page 13
User Manual for ACWS
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© RISCO Group
Table 1: Add New Visit
Field Name
Start Date
Click the calendar icon next to the Start Date field and select the date on
which you want to schedule a visit.
Type the date on which you want to start a visit in the form of MM/DD/YYYY
Enter the visit start time in the field adjacent to the Start Date.
End Date
End date and time will be displayed automatically with respect to Start Date
time as End Date Time = Start Date Time + Default Visit Length.
Click the calendar icon next to the End Date field and select the date on
which you want to schedule a visit.
Type the date on which you want to end a visit in the form of MM/DD/YYYY
Enter the visit end time in the field adjacent to the End Date.
Enter the time of the Visit in the Start and End fields.
Note: You can enter time only in 24 hour format.
Meeting Place
Enter the details or the venue of the meeting place.
Select the visit type from the drop-down list.
Visit Category
Select the visit category from the drop-down list.
Entry Point
Select the entry point from the drop-down. The values are configured in
Enter any other details pertaining to the visit.
Visit Rules
Select Visit Rules check box, if you want the visit rules to be applied to the
Note: Visit Rules are created in ACUS.
Host Rules
Select the Host Rules check box if you want the host rules to be applied to
the Visit.
Note: Host Rules are created in ACUS.
Click Save to create the record. The message appears, “Visit Saved Successfully”.