About this manual – RISCO Group ACWS User Manual

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User Manual for ACWS

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© RISCO Group


About This Manual


This manual has been written to help you understand and use the ACWS application. It presents the

functional capabilities and operational details of ACWS and contains the procedures that you should know

for performing your business tasks using this application.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended as a primary reference for the employees in an organization who will use the

application for visit management and automation execution.

Prerequisites for Use

Basic understanding of Web-based applications is a prerequisite to understand this manual.

Organization of the Manual

Introduction provides an overview of ACWS Application. It also details the hardware and software


Getting Started with ACWS describes the process to log on and log off from the application.

Visitor Management displays information on how to add a new visitor and new visit details. It also

describes how to search the information on the visit details that have been recorded or saved

Executing Automation will enable you to know the list of Automation data available for triggering the

macros through ACWS.

Glossary provides the explanation of the terms used in the user manual.

Contact provides the contact details of Risco.

Index is provided at the end of the user manual.