Tweet function settings – Oki ColorPainter E-64s User Manual

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CP_Manager Instruction manual

Tweet function settings

To configure the settings, click the Tweet settings button (5) under Notification and Remote Operation.

„ Authenticate CP_Manager on Twitter

* Important

- If a proxy server is set on your local network, first confirm

with the system administrator that the proxy settings are
adequate before starting the procedure.

- When performing the procedure below, execute all the

steps in a row. The PIN code issued by the Twitter website
is valid only during a specific period of time. After this
period the PIN becomes invalid so complete all the steps
until the authentication in a row.

(1) Click the Display URL to Anthenticate Application button 1.
(2) The URL displayed in the field 2 is copied to the clipboard. Paste the URL in a web browser and open the web page

(access the Twitter web site).

(2-A) When you have not signed in Twitter

Enter the username (a) used for CP_Manager and the password (b), and click Authorize app (c).

Chapter 4. Printer setting area


Username for CP_Manager

