Sealey GA50 User Manual
Laser wheel alignment gauge, Ga50.v3, Instructions for

InstructIons for:
laser Wheel alignment gauge
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions
and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
1. saFetY instruCtiOns
IMPORTANT: Please reaD these instruCtiOns CareFullY. nOte the saFe OPeratiOnal reQuirements, Warnings & CautiOns.
use the PrODuCt COrreCtlY anD With Care FOr the PurPOse FOr WhiCh it is intenDeD. Failure tO DO sO maY Cause
Damage anD/Or PersOnal inJurY anD Will inValiDate the WarrantY. Please KeeP instruCtiOns saFe FOr Future use.
1.1 general saFetY
Warning! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when using this equipment.
Maintain the
gauge in good condition (use an authorised service agent).
replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only. Non-authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Locate gauge in a suitable working area, keep area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials.
Warning! use gauge on level and solid ground.
Keep the gauge clean to ensure accurate performance.
DO nOt use outside in damp or wet weather conditions.
DO nOt allow untrained persons to operate the gauge.
DO nOt leave the gauge unattended.
Warning! When setting front end alignment on commercial vehicles never make adjustments to drop arms or interconnecting links.
Doing so could result in serious tyre, wheel and steering problems.
Any alignment changes deemed necessary as a result of using this equipment must be made strictly in accordance with the vehicle
manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. intrODuCtiOn & sPeCiFiCatiOn
3. assemblY & CalibratiOn
updated version of optical system uses low radiation laser beam to indicate toe-in or toe-out. single leg configuration and reversible contact
probes allows on-ramp use. Works on practically all cars and light commercials with rim diameters from 200 to 600mm. Powered by 2 x AA
cells and includes operating instructions.
Wheel rim capacities: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8” - 24” rim diameter measuring range: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +/- 2deg
laser beam height: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under 50mm laser: . . . . . . . . . . . . . class II, 1.0 milliwatt, Wavelength 620 - 680nm
battery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 x type AA 1.4 volts
estimated battery life:. . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 12 months, dependant on use
switch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Momentary operator pressure
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Power off when not depressed)
Warning! Do not switch on the laser unit when detached from the main gauge. When correctly assembled to the gauge the laser
should only be switched on when the two sides of the gauge are correctly positioned in relation to each other either for calibration
purposes or for wheel alignment use.
3.1 assemblY. Your gauge has been supplied in flat pack form for quick and easy assembly.
3.1.1 take each ready assembled side frame in turn and slide the leg away from the alignment peg in the main tube and turn the leg through
90° so that it faces in the same direction as the indents on the main arms. slide the leg back onto the alignment peg and insert and
tighten a thumbscrew.
3.1.2 Place the two frames opposite each other with each extended bar portion positioned to the right hand side. the frame nearest to you is
the one to which the laser unit should be attached.
3.1.3 Place the laser unit onto the tube and slide it to the left until it stops against the end of the tube. Insert and tighten a thumbscrew on the
back of the unit to secure it to the main bar. the thumb screw will be used later to adjust the tilt of the laser unit
3.1.4 slip the mirror unit onto the main bar of the other frame and insert and tighten a thumbscrew to secure it. (use the built in spirit level to
ensure that the mirror is vertical).
3.1.5 Attach a contact bar to each of the upright arms. firstly loosen the thumb screw on the contact bar holder and place it through the
upright arm. slide the square portion of a contact bar through an indent on the upright, through the holder, then through the other indent.
tighten the thumbscrew to secure.
3.1.6 Each contact bar may be fitted either to the left or the right of its respective support arm and may be reversed to use the long or short
contact arm. this is to allow the gauge to handle all tyres on 8” to 24” diameter rims and to allow close contact when required e.g. when
in use on a vehicle lift.
3.2 CalibratiOn. the gauge will be calibrated each time it is used as part of the process of checking wheel alignment. calibration will be
done with the two halves of the gauge facing each other with the contact bars touching. for further details refer to the operating
instructions which follow.
1.2 laser saFetY
GA50.V3 utilises a class II laser that emits low levels of visible radiation (i.e. wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometres) which are
safe for the skin but not inherently safe for the eyes. the class II emission limit is set at the maximum level for which eye protection is
normally afforded by natural aversion responses to bright light. Accidental eye exposure is therefore normally safe, although the natural
aversion response can be overridden by deliberately staring into the beam, and can also be influenced by the use of alcohol or drugs.
Warning! Do not look or stare into the laser beam as permanent eye damage could result.
DO nOt direct the laser beam at any person’s (or animal’s) eyes as eye damage could result. If the beam is obstructed by
a person during use, release the contact switch immediately.
DO nOt use the equipment while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or whilst on medication.
Be aware that reflections of the laser beam from mirrors or other shiny surfaces can be as hazardous as direct eye exposure.
GA50.V3 Issue no.1 - 04/09/09