Operation – Sealey VSE211 User Manual
Page 2

3. operAtIoN
relIeVING fuel sYsteM pressure.
NOTE! The following instructions are intended as a guide only.
Always adhere to manufacturer's procedures for relieving
system pressure.
3.1.1 Before disconnecting the fuel lines to connect adaptors
and pressure gauge to fuel system, the fuel system
pressure must be relieved, this will prevent fuel
spraying when a joint is disconnected.
3.1.2 Switch off ignition, loosen the fuel tank cap to relieve
tank pressure, then re-tighten.
3.1.3 To relieve fuel pressure, it is necessary to prevent the
fuel pump operating, whilst still allowing both injection
and ignition systems to operate.
3.1.4 The procedure may simply require the fuel pump relay,
fuse or electrical supply to be disconnected; some
models have two fuel pumps - make sure both are
3.1.5 Once pump(s) is/are disabled, run the engine until it
stalls, and then crank over 5 to 10 times after it has
On some electronic fuel injection systems, removing the
fuel pump fuse disables both the fuel pump and the
injectors. In this case refer to manufacturer's procedure.
WArNING! Do Not assume that pressure in the fuel
system has been relieved. When disconnecting, wrap a
cloth around the fuel line fitting to absorb any fuel
3.2.1 With the engine off and the fuel system pressure
relieved, install the correct adaptor into the fuel system
at the point to be tested and connect to the quick
coupler on the gauge hose ensuring the locking collar is
in position.
NOTE! Use a cloth around the fittings to absorb any fuel.
3.2.2 Re-connect the fuel pump(s).
3.2.3 Start engine and allow to idle.
3.2.4 Read the fuel pressure on the gauge and compare to
the manufacturer’s specification.
3.2.5 Turn off the engine.
3.2.6 Place the end of the clear tube in a suitable container
and push the relief button to depressurise the system.
3.2.7 Remove the tester and adaptors from the fuel line.
3.2.8 Restore fuel line to original condition, restart the engine
and check the system for leaks.
ford schrader Hose
GM schrader Hose
single ended,
Hose end
fuel Bolt
With seal
Double ended,
Hose end
NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
IMportANt: No liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
WArrANtY: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
INforMAtIoN: For a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.
01284 757500
01284 703534
sole uK Distributor, sealey Group,
Kempson Way, Suffolk Business Park
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk,
IP32 7AR
W e b
Original Language Version
VSE211.V3 Issue 1 - 01/03/13
parts support is available for this product. to obtain a parts listing and/or diagram, please log on to www.sealey.co.uk,
email [email protected] or phone 01284 757500.
© Jack Sealey Limited