Sealey VSE211 User Manual

Safety instructions, Introduction

background image



test port



1. sAfetY INstruCtIoNs


Always refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s

service instructions, or proprietary manual to establish the

current procedure and data.These instructions are

provided as a guide only.

WArNING! ensure all Health and safety, local authority,

and general workshop practice regulations are strictly

adhered to when using product.


tools in good and clean condition for best and

safest performance.

Do Not use test kit if damaged.

Account for all tools and parts being used and do not leave

them in, or on the engine after use.

Ensure you have read and understood the safety aspects of

dealing with the fuel injection system and petrol in general

before commencing.

fuel Hazards:

WArNING! Petrol fumes and battery gases are explosive.

Do Not smoke or allow an open flame or sparks in the

work area.

Keep a dry chemical (class B) fire extinguisher near to the

working area.

Avoid fire hazard by using caution when disconnecting fuel

lines and installing adaptors - some spillage is inevitable.

When connecting to or disconnecting from a fuel system,

relieve pressure from system and wrap a cloth around the

fuel line fitting to absorb any fuel leakage. Wipe up fuel

spills immediately.

fuel leaks

Constantly check gauge and adaptor connections for

leakage. If you see leakage turn off the ignition or disable

the fuel pump, relieve fuel pressure if necessary and correct

leaks before continuing.

Do Not let fuel drip or spill onto a hot engine.

Wipe up fuel spills immediately.

When using tee adaptors, secure hose with hose clamps to

ensure leak-free connections.

Check all adaptor sealing washers and 'O' rings are in good

condition before use.

Do Not allow fuel to remain in the adaptors or hoses after


personal / operation

Wear approved eye protection. A full range of personal

safety equipment is available from your Sealey dealer.

Keep yourself, clothing and test equipment away from all

moving or hot engine parts.

Do not wear jewellery and tie back long hair.

Before performing a test with the engine running (unless

the manufacturer's manual states otherwise), set the

parking brake and place the gear selector in neutral or

park, and block the drive wheels.

Exhaust gas contains deadly poisonous gases. The test

area must be well ventilated - route the exhaust gas


Before repairing the fuel system, turn off the ignition switch

and disconnect the battery per manufacturer's procedure.

Never disconnect the battery whilst the engine is running.

Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions

and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.

IMPORTANT: pleAse reAD tHese INstruCtIoNs CArefullY. Note tHe sAfe operAtIoNAl reQuIreMeNts, WArNINGs AND CAutIoNs.

use tHe proDuCt CorreCtlY AND WItH CAre for tHe purpose for WHICH It Is INteNDeD. fAIlure to Do so MAY CAuse DAMAGe

AND/or persoNAl INJurY AND WIll INVAlIDAte tHe WArrANtY. pleAse Keep INstruCtIoNs sAfe for future use.

WArNING! Do Not use this kit or the components from this kit on diesel fuel systems or high pressure petrol injection systems

(in excess of 145psi). ensure you have read and understood the safety aspects of dealing with the fuel injection system and petrol in

general before commencing.

Original Language Version

VSE211.V3 Issue 1 - 01/03/13

2. INtroDuCtIoN

Comprehensive kit of adaptors and fittings for modern Schrader

test port fuel injection systems. Components fitted with quick

coupling system and safety valve to prevent inadvertent discharge

of fuel under pressure. Kit supplied with large high pressure

gauge reading 0-145psi and 0-1000kPa. Gauge has hanging

hook and protective bumper. Pressure release valve fitted with

long drain hose allows safe recovery of fuel.

Supplied in carry-case.

© Jack Sealey Limited