Sanding belt adjustment – Sealey SM100 User Manual

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traCkInG adJUstMent

warnInG! ensure mains power lead is unplugged from the mains supply,

4.1.1 connect the other end of the mains power lead to the sanding machine (fig 6)

4.1.2 identify the tracking knob (fig 7) each turn of the knob will only render a slight

adjustment to the belt tracking.

4.1.3 rotate the tracking knob clockwise to move the belt to the left and anti-clockwise to move

belt to the right.

4.1.4 rotate the belt by hand whilst turning the tracking knob to effect movement.

4.1.5 to ensure the belt is aligned, connect the machine to the mains power supply, turn the machine

“on”, and then “off”, whilst adjusting the tracking knob to effect further fine adjustments.

note: “i” = on. “0” = off.


belt tensIon

warnInG! ensure the sander is switch off and unplugged from the mains power supply.

the belt tension has been pre-set by the manufacturer but will require adjustment after a period

of use or when a new belt is fitted.

4.2.1 locate cover plate to the right of the tension lever. loosen screw and open the cover plate (fig 8).

4.2.2 turn the tension lever to “loosen”.

4.2.3 loosen locking nut (fig 9).

4.2.4 to decrease tension turn adjusting rod upward (fig 10).

to increase the tension turn the adjusting rod downward.

note: one 360° turn on the adjusting rod will move the belt roller in or out by approximately 2.5mm.

We recommend small adjustments are made by turning the adjusting rod only to the degree that access

will allow the spanner to move, and then test the belt tension before making further adjustments.

4.2.5 When complete tighten the locking nut, close and lock the cover plate in place. turn the belt tension lever

back to the “tighten” position, and re-check that the belt tracking is correct.

4. sandInG belt adJUstMent

warnInG! ensure the sander is switched off and unplugged from the mains power



oVerload swItCH

should the sander motor be overloaded an overload switch will activate cutting the

power to the machine. if this happens allow the motor to cool. the overload switch

is located on the main contactor underneath the switch cover.


belt replaCeMent

6.2.1 turn the belt tension lever to “loosen”.

6.2.2 remove the two screws in (fig 14), open the belt cover and remove the used belt.

6.2.3 Place the new belt over the end rollers (fig 15).

6.2.4 re set the belt tension lever by turning it to the “tighten” position.

6.2.5 rotate the belt by hand whilst checking and adjusting the tracking.

6.2.6 check and adjust the belt tension accordingly.



5.1.1 ensure you have read and understood chapter 1 safety instructions.

5.1.2 double check that the gap between the worktable and the belt is set at no more than


5.1.3 Always start the belt first and bring your workpiece to the moving belt.

do not start the belt whilst the workpiece is resting against the abrasive surface.

5.1.4 check that there are no foreign bodies in the workpiece which could damage

the sanding belt or cause a hazard. i.e. nails, screws etc.

5.1.5 We recommend you practice with off-cuts of wood to familiarise yourself with

the machines capabilities.

warnInG! do not allow your fingers to touch the surface of the moving belt.



to sand work piece on the roller end of machine, position face guard for maximum

protection and hold the workpiece firmly by hand whilst using the working

table for support (fig 11).


sUrFaCe sandInG

for sanding a large flat workpiece, remove the belt cover. Hold workpiece on the flat

surface of the abrasive belt to complete task (fig12).

use the stop plate to rest work against.


dUst ColleCtor

the sm100 is equipped with a dust collector provided with a 35mm Ø outlet

for connection to your own dust extraction system (fig 13).

warnInG! dust produced by this operation may be hazardous in which case

we recommend the use a face or dust mask.

5. operatInG prInCIple

6. MaIntenanCe

fig 6

fig 7

fig 8

fig 9

fig 10

fig 11

fig 12

fig 13

fig 14

fig 15

Original Language Version

sm100 issue: 2 - 23/11/09