Sealey GSA70 User Manual
Page 4

© Jack Sealey Limited
Original Language Version
GSA70 Issue: 2 - 22/04/13
WarninG! – risk of Hand arm Vibration injury.
this tool may cause Hand arm Vibration syndrome if its use is not managed adequately.
This tool is subject to the vibration testing section of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
This tool is to be operated in accordance with these instructions.
this tool has been tested in accordance with: EN ISO 28927-3:2009 & BS EN ISO 15744:2008.
Declaration and verification of Vibration Emission figures are in accordance with EN 12096:1997
Measured vibration emission value (a): 4.6 m/s²
uncertainty value(k): 1.84 m/s²
Please note that the application of the tool to a sole specialist task may produce a different average vibration
emission. We recommend that a specific evaluation of the vibration emission is conducted prior to commencing
with a specialist task.
A health and safety assessment by the user (or employer) will need to be carried out to determine the suitable
duration of use for each tool.
nB: Stated Vibration Emission values are type-test values and are intended to be typical.
Whilst in use, the actual value will vary considerably from and depend on many factors.
Such factors include; the operator, the task and the inserted tool or consumable.
nB: ensure that the length of leader hoses is sufficient to allow unrestricted use, as this also helps to reduce
The state of maintenance of the tool itself is also an important factor, a poorly maintained tool will also increase
the risk of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome.
Health surveillance.
We recommend a programme of health surveillance to detect early symptoms of vibration injury so that
management procedures can be modified accordingly.
Personal protective equipment.
We are not aware of any personal protective equipment (PPE) that provides protection against vibration injury
that may result from the uncontrolled use of this tool. We recommend a sufficient supply of clothing (including
gloves) to enable the operator to remain warm and dry and maintain good blood circulation in fingers etc. Please
note that the most effective protection is prevention, please refer to the Correct Use and Maintenance section in
these instructions. Guidance relating to the management of hand arm vibration can be found on the HSC website - Hand-Arm Vibration at Work.