Fishing with the pike/zander spinning rod – Crivit Bottom/Feeder Fishing Reel Combo 300-6 User Manual

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Spin fishing means fishing for fish living on

other fish using a rod, reel and lure. Tr o u t ,
perch and chub can perfectly be fished using

the light spinning rod, pike, zander, sheatfish
and asp using the heavy spinning rod.

The equipment

Spin fishing equipment is subject to highest
loads. When it comes to the reels, the com-

mitted spin fisherman chooses the stationary
reel with quick release system or a rod with

trigger handle and
multi-reel. A s t e e l

leader of at least 15
cm length is also

important with a light
spinning rod as,

apart from the trout
regions, the pike

lives in the same
waters to which also

perch and chub are

A necessary auxilia-

ry tool is an anti-kink
that can be added.

Due to the continu-
ous tension, gradual

twisting of the line
and thus premature

wear and breaking of
the line cannot be

avoided. This danger
is averted by using

an anti-kink.

One small trick hel-
ping you to store

everything having
eyes in an orderly

way is the "Safety
pin trick”.

Apart from the

necessary accesso-

ries, you should bring along silver foil and a

lipstick. Using the silver foil, dark lures are
brightened, red lipstick lends them more


The lures

For choosing the lure, the following general

rule applies:
Dull weather,

dull water

= bright lures,

clear weather,

clear water

= dark lures.

If you expect undersized fish in the water,
use lures with single hooks or cut off two

hooks from the triplet. Fishermen acting in
accordance with good huntsmanship also

flatten the barbed hook.

So that a fish is not hooked from the outside,
you have to make sure that the hook is not

fastened rigidly.


For successfull fishing with the lure, one

t r i e s

a c t i v a t e

as many
of the pre-

datory fish’s

organs as

Already when the
lure is cast and hits

the water surface, the
first sense – the sense of

hearing – is activated. T h e
loud noise of the lure hitting

the water surface frightens
most of the fish and scares

them off. Thus, you should cast
the line "beyond” promising fis-

hing grounds.

Using their sense of hearing, preda-
tory fish orientate themselves strongly by the

eating noises of carp-like fish. These noises
are created by the pharyngeal teeth. When

using lures, we try to imitate this sound of the
teeth by beads that are put in between or

inserted. You will often find them on the axis
of the spinner or inside the wobblers.

By the imitated eating noises, we attract the

attention of the predatory fish and its imagi-
nary prey. It uses its second sense – the late-

ral line organ – in order to sense and feel.
This lateral line organ enables all fish to

observe and sense smallest water move-
ments and/or displacements.

Apart from the very high sensitivity of the

organ, the high water density (water is ca.
300 times denser than air) helps the preda-

tory fish to "feel” its imaginary prey already at
far distance. The shock wave of the spinner

blade, the heavy deflections of the blinker
body, the rattlers inside the wobbler and pla-

stic lures create this "sensing profile”.

When the fish approaches the prey, the next

sense – the sense of smell – comes into
play. Fish have a very distinct sense of smell

and are able to smell even smallest odorous
particles. The smell of a prey fish can be imi-

tated using flavours that are fastened in front

of, at or in the lure (plastic lure).

After activating these three most important
sense organs of predatory fish, the last key

stimulus that is missing before the fish bites
is the actual seeing of the prey. If all four key

stimuli, hearing, sensing, smelling and
seeing, have been present, the predator will


Upon biting, the last two senses – taste and
physical feeling – become important. If the

imaginary prey "tastes” wrong and feels hard
and unnatural in the mouth of the predator, it

will loose its hold on the prey immediately.

Here, the only thing that is of use is the fis-
h e r m a n ’s quick reaction who acknowledges

the bit with a corresponding catch.

When using soft plastic lures prepared with
corresponding flavours, the predatory fish

does not notice its error so quickly and the lift
can also be carried out with delay.

For correct fishing in a water, you first of all

have to determine the water depth. After the

lure has hit the water, one starts counting
regularly, namely as long as the line runs off

the reel. Make a mental note of the number
at which the line stops and the lure has rea-

ched the ground (e.g. eight).
If you want to lead the lure just over the

ground in these waters at your next cast, you
have to flick the bail arm after having coun-

ted to six; you can now start reeling the lure.
You can, of course, use this method with sin-

king lures like blinker, spinner, plastic lures or
sinking wobblers.

You lead the line perfectly if the tip of the rod

is directed at the water surface. Lead the lure
irregularly and get the predator to think that

the lure is an easy prey. If you are fishing in

larger areas and if you want to offer the pre-

dators an additional incentive, try to move
the tip of the rod to-and-fro while leading.

Sinking plastic lures are led by lifting and
lowering the tip of the rod while they are at

the same time reeled.
The plastic lure will appeal to the predatory

fish particularly strongly. The number of bites
is outstandingly large. As the greatest appe-

al comes from the back part of the lure that is
not equipped with a hook, it comes to "wrong

bites” again and again, mainly by young,
undersized predators.

Everybody who often fishes in waters with

many obstacles can design the plastic lure
without a hanger. For doing so, the lure is

attached in the way shown in the drawing.

For leading wobblers correctly, you need
more experience. There are many diff e r e n t

designs; even professionals do not know all
of them.

The general rule for floating wobblers with

vane is: the quicker the reel or the tug, the
deeper it dives. In wobblers with adjustable

vane, the following applies: the higher the
vane, the deeper it runs, the deeper the

vane, the plainer it runs. If there are too
many "pursuers” while fishing, one should

awaken the predator’s jealousy about food.
"Pursuer” means that the fish pursues the

lure to the shore, it does, however, not take
it. Using the "Paladin” leader, one has the

biggest success.

The five to six stripes of silver foil that are
added in front of the lure, imitate a small sho-

al fleeing from a smaller predator. Apart from
the jealousy about food, the territory claims

of the larger predatory fish are awakened.

Fishing with the pike/zander spinning rod

The pre d at o ry fish’s sense orga n s :

1. The sense of hearing
2. The sense of touch and feel

3. The sense of smell
4. The sense of light

(seeing and recognising)

5. The sense of taste

Wobbler with vane


"Safety pin

Plastic lure for predatory fish –
lower figure: assembly without hanger


Rod with a casting
weight of 30 – 60 g



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