4 system 5-b startup sequence, System 5-b startup sequence – Euphonix System Digital Audio Mixing System 5B User Manual
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System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual
System 5-B Startup Sequence
With all system components turned off:
1. Turn on the SC261 System Computer, the SH612 Studio Hub(s), all I/O units,
the MIDI Interface, the TT007 and the GP132.
2. At the Windows Login Screen press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and click OK or press
There is no Administrator password.
3. The System Computer will finish booting to the Windows desktop.
With the system computer booted and the SH612 Studio Hub(s), all I/O units, the MIDI
Interface, and the GP132 turned on:
1. Double-click the eMix icon on the desktop.
2. Turn on all of the Surface Modules, the PC253i Interface Pilot, all PC253d dig-
ital Pilots and the DF64s.
3. If the modules on the system have previously been saved as default, eMix will
continue to boot when all modules reach 100%.
4. If modules appear as Unexpected, the user can select all of the modules by
holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each of them. When all modules are
selected, click Save selected as default, and confirm the selection by clicking
5. Click Continue to finish booting eMix.
Since System 5-B has been designed for live, on-air applications, the system is designed
to tolerate variations in the startup sequence. The system will boot properly if power is
applied to all components simultaneously. If this occurs, be sure to check that all com-
ponents are properly locked to a valid master digital sync source.
To restart the system:
1. Shutdown the System PC with the Shutdown button in the About View.
2. Reset the CM404 and CM408 surface modules.
3. Power off the Digital Pilot, Interface Pilot, and DF64 core.
4. Power on the System PC.
Since this takes the longest to boot, power it up first.
5. Power on the Digital Pilot and Interface Pilot.
6. Power on the DF64.(The DF64 must be off for 5 s before powering back on).
7. The system will boot the rest of the way by itself.