Parametric eq – Euphonix System Digital Audio Mixing System 5B User Manual
Page 108

System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing System Operation Manual
Channels and Strips
Parametric EQ
Each parametric EQ band has two knobs: one shared between frequency and Q and an-
other for gain. Press the upper switch to the left of any of the frequency knobs to toggle
between Q and frequency. Use the gain knob to adjust the gain for that band. The lower
switch to the left of the gain knob switches that band In/Out.
The four bands are identical (20.5 Hz – 21 kHz) except the HiF and LoF bands can be
either peak or shelf filters. Press the lower of the switches to the left of the HiF or LoF
knob to toggle between peak (switch lights green) and shelf (no light). Note that this
switch indication is present only when displaying frequency on this knob, not Q.
The gain can be adjusted in approximately 1/8 dB increments in the range -24 to +24 dB.
As the gain is changed from 0, the LEDs light dimly from the center LED in the direc-
tion turned (clockwise = boost); the level is indicated by a bright LED. The LEDs light
for every change of 2 dB.
Q can be adjusted in the range 0.2–12 (higher number corresponds to narrower band-
width). At a given Q setting, changing the gain affects the bandwidth slightly: the band-
width decreases as gain increases. This creates a wider area of boost/cut at low gain and
allows a more natural sound as gain changes without altering the Q. At full boost or cut,
the bandwidth is measured 3 dB down from the center frequency.
NOTE: You can use the EQ graph on the TFT display to create a filter in any desired
Since Q and Frequency share the same knob, both parameters are indicated on the knob
LEDs: Frequency is indicated by a dim LED at its proportional position from first to
last LED. For example, 10 kHz would be approximately in the middle. Q is indicated
by bright LEDs extending to either side of the frequency LED.
NOTE: These LED indicators are for fast reference use only; consult the LCD and TFT
displays for accurate values.
The TFT screen above the Strip shows the resultant EQ curve (yellow when active, gray
when bypassed).