Yaskawa GPD506/P5 to P7 User Manual
Page 6

Product Transition Guide
GPD506/P5 to P7
of 48
Motor thermistor input with
temperature filter and selectable
fault ,alarm settings (L1-02 to L1-
Intelligent stall prevention on
accel/decel with decel time 1 or 2
selections (L3-01,4,5)
Extended 0.5 to 600.0 sec. auto-
restart time between attempts vs.
10.0 secs for GPD506/P5 (L5-03)
Hunting prevention function (n1-
DC Injection braking (b1-03)
Run command can be accepted
while the drive is being programmed (b1-08)
High slip braking function (n3-01,2,3,4)
Selectable power-up monitor (o1-01,2)
Keypad display contrast adjustment (o1-05)
Two independent programmable over and under torque
detection levels
P7 Digital Inputs (Additional Functions)
One more digital input for a total of seven
More versatile PNP/NPN sinking/sourcing 24 VDC
control logic
Transmitter/option power supply
29 more programmable functions for digital inputs than
GPD506/P5. 59 total :
Motor Preheat
MOP increase/decrease function
Forward and reverse jog input
Trim control increase and decrease functions
15 additional external fault action settings such as Fast-
stop, Alarm only, Coast to stop with selectable N.O or
N.C. for each fault action.
PI integral hold and PI cancel functions
Speed search 3
Serial Communication test mode
High slip braking input
Jog 2
P7 Digital Inputs (Additional Functions)
Drive enable, with selectable accept run command or
cycle run command function
P7 Analog Input (Additional Functions)
A convenient PCB switch now changes analog input A2
between current and voltage, cutting PCB jumper for
mA signal is no longer required.
Adjustable analog input signal filter for added stability
Terminal A2 is selectable for :
Frequency bias
Motor thermister
PI differential
Analog input filter
Main and Aux frequency reference is selectable
between terminals A1 and A2
P7 Digital Output Relay (Additional Functions)
27 possible programmable functions for the digital
outputs, seven more than the GPD506/P5.
One additional relay output, M3 and M4 relays
DC bus under voltage output
Reset command active output
Reverse direction output
Drive enable output
OH frequency reduction output
Restart Enabled
P7 Analog Outputs (Additional Functions)
Additional AM analog monitor output with bias and
gain settings.
Analog monitors now selectable between 0-10V and 4-
20ma, GPD506/P5 only 0-10V
18 programmable selections for the analog outputs, 14
more than the GPD506/P5.
Frequency reference monitor
Terminal A1 or A2 monitor
Motor SEC current monitor
SFS output monitor
PI- feedback, input, output and setpoint monitors
PI feedback 2 monitor
Output Voltage