3 changing passwords, 1 changing the sunny portal password, 2 changing the system password – SMA Webconnect Systems in SUNNY PORTAL User Manual

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SMA Solar Technology AG

11  Passwords

User Manual



11.3 Changing Passwords

11.3.1 Changing the Sunny Portal Password

Sunny Portal password requirements:

☐ The Sunny Portal password can consist of a maximum of eight characters.
☐ You must have the user role Standard user, Installer, or Administrator (see Section 10.1

"User Roles and User Rights in Sunny Portal", page 56).

The following special characters are permitted:

• ! $ % & / ( ) = ? + − . ; : _ < > #
• Space


1. Select User Info/Logout > User information in the page and menu selection.
2. On the tab User Information, select the hyperlink If you want to change your password,

please click here.

3. Enter the old and the new Sunny Portal password in the fields provided.
4. Select [Save].

11.3.2 Changing the System Password

Via Sunny Portal you can change the system password of the Installer user group for all devices
registered in your Sunny Portal system. If you change the system password in Sunny Portal, the system
password of the inverters registered in Sunny Portal will also be changed.


☐ You must have the user role Installer or Administrator (see Section 10.1 "User Roles and

User Rights in Sunny Portal", page 56).

System password requirement:

☐ The system password can be a maximum of twelve characters.

The following special characters are permitted:

• ? _ ! -


1. Select Configuration > PV system properties.
2. Select the tab PV System Data.
3. Select [Edit].
4. In the area PV System Data, enter the old password in the field Old PV system password.
5. In the area PV System Data, enter a new password in the field New PV system password.
6. In the area PV System Data, enter the new password again in the field Repeat password.