Operation warnings – Polaris 2000 Universal Snowmobile User Manual

Page 23

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Remember, the sound of your ma-

chine will drown out the sound of

approaching vehicles. Look ahead,

behind, and to the sides before turn-

ing or crossing railroad crossings or


Steep embankments

may also hide your view. Always

leave yourself a way out. Make

sure the way is clear before you

cross railroads and other roads and



Drive defensively when traveling in a group of snowmobiles to avoid accidents.

Don’t tailgate. Allow ample stopping distances.


Always be alert and pay attention to the trail ahead of you. Multiplying speed

(MPH) by 1.5 will equal the approximate number of feet per second your ma-

chine travels. If your speed is 40 MPH, your machine is travelling approximately

60 feet per second. This means that if you look back for only two seconds, your

machine will travel about 120 feet. If your speed is 60 MPH, your machine will

travel approximately 180 feet in two seconds.


When teaching inexperienced operators to ride, set up a nearby predetermined

course. Make sure they know how to drive and control the snowmobile before

you allow them to make longer distance runs. Teach them proper snowmobile

courtesy. Enroll them in a driver’s training and safety course sponsored by a

local or state organization.