Qwhufrqqhfwlrqv dqg 6zlwfklqj )xqfwlrqv – Grass Valley XSwitch Feb 01 2005 User Manual
Page 20
18 ©2001 XSWITCH Installation and Operations Manual
Each of the four connector groups, "STUDIO A", "STUDIO B", "S.V.A", "S.V.B" includes switching connec-
tions for one mouse and one keyboard. These are the 5-pin circular DIN connectors along the bottom edge
of the panel. The keyboard I/O connectors are labeled "K" and the mouse I/O connectors are labeled "M".
The upper row of connectors are inputs and the lower row outputs. The cable from the STUDIO A key-
board plugs into the connector in the upper row at the left end of the panel, labeled "K". A cable from the
associated CPU keyboard port plugs into the connector directly below it. The cable from the STUDIO A
mouse plugs into the connector immediately to the right and in the upper row, labeled "M". A cable from the
associated CPU mouse port plugs into the connector directly below it.
The keyboard and mouse associated with STUDIO B, connect to the KVM Module in the same manor,
using the DIN connectors in the STUDIO B connector group.
The pattern is repeated for the keyboard and mouse associated with PVTV SCRIPT Viewer A, using the
DIN connectors in the SCRIPT Viewer A connector group. And again for the keyboard and mouse of
SCRIPT Viewer B using the DIN connectors in the SCRIPT Viewer B connector group.
Keyboard and mouse switching events are strictly concurrent with associated VGA switching. The key-
board and mouse switching circuitry employs both passive and active elements. However, these circuits
may pass signals even while power is not applied to the XSwitch.
A single cable is used to make the required connections between the main card cage and the Expansion
Card Cage. Connections between first and second Expansion Card Cages and between second and third
Expansion Card Cages are made using an identical cable. This cable is of a special type and must be pro-
vided by ParkerVision. The cable for the first Expansion Card Cage plugs into the 50-pin high density con-
nector at the right hand end of the KVM Module, labeled "EXPANSION". The other end plugs into the same
type connector located on the Expansion Card in the Expansion Card Cage labeled "EXPANSION". If a
second Expansion Card Cage is employed, a second cable connects it to the first Expansion Card Cage at
either side of the dual 50-pin connector on the Expansion Card in the each Expansion Card Cage. If a third
Expansion Card Cage is employed, the pattern is repeated using a third cable connected between the sec-
ond and third Expansion Card Cage.