Appendix the feedclip keyboard – Grass Valley FeedClip v.4.5 User Manual
Page 85

The FeedClip Keyboard
Digital News Production
Left arrow
Shuttle Rewind
Shuttles left in increments of -50%, -75%, -1x, -2x,
Right arrow
Shuttle Fast Forward
Shuttles right in increments of +50%, +75%, -1x, -
2x, -3x.
Up arrow
Up arrow
Moves the highlight to the previous clip.
Down arrow
Down arrow
Moves the highlight to the next clip.
Numberpad 4
Left 1 frame
Moves the selected clip to the left one frame.
Ctrl +
Numberpad 4
Left 10 frames
Moves the selected clip to the left 10 frames.
Numberpad 6
Right 1 frame
Moves the selected clip to the right one frame.
Ctrl +
Numberpad 6
Right 10 frames
Moves the selected clip to the right 10 frames.
Space Bar
Toggles between playing and stoping a clip. If you
are recording, also stops recording a feed.