Ensemble Designs 6040 Tracking Audio Delay User Manual

Page 20

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In the Output menu shown, set the following output parameters:

Analog Out – select from two of the following possible output states:

Delayed (analog outputs follow the delayed signal path)

No Delay (analog outputs follow the undelayed signal path)

Out Mode – select from the following modes:

2-Channel (analog reference levels for these two channels may be set

Stereo (analog reference levels for these two channels track each other)

Dig. Ref – select from one of three selections as follows:

-20 dBFS (analog audio reference is set to -20 dBFS in the digital domain,
the most common standard)

-18 dBFS (analog audio reference is set to -18 dBFS in the digital domain,
the new SMPTE and EBU standard)

-16 dBFS (analog audio reference is set to -16 dBFS in the digital domain,
the CBC standard)

A. 1 Out Ref – set the analog audio output channel 1 reference level to between

-10 dBu and +8 dBu with the slider arrows. The selected value will appear
in the box to the right of the slider. Click Default to enable the default value
of +4 dBu.

A. 2 Out Ref – set the analog audio input channel 2 reference level to between

-10 dBu and +8 dBu with the slider arrows. The selected value will appear
in the box to the right of the slider. Click Default to enable the default value
of +4 dBu.

The following indicator and error boxes are available in the Output menu:

A. Out Stat – indicates the current state of the analog outputs as one of the

Normal (analog outputs are operating normally)

Muted (analog outputs are muted when a non-audio source is being used on
the digital input)

Model 6040 Tracking Audio Delay
