Ericsson LBI-39224 User Manual

Page 317

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Enhanced Digital Access Communication System – The term
"EDACS radio system" refers to RF equipment that may be
interfaced to the EDACS CEC/IMC Digital Audio Switch. The RF
equipment may be located at a single location, such as an EDACS
trunked site or it may be located at several locations, such as in a
voting system. Other examples of EDACS radio systems include
simulcast, CNI, and SCAT systems.

EDG interface module

EDACS Data Gateway interface module – Mobile data is forwarded
to the CEC/IMC Digital Audio Switch from the EDG computer
equipment via the EDG interface module. This interface module's
Controller Board is typically labeled "DATA."

extended network

Extended network is a System Manager term which refers to
distributed multisite communication. Users must be "extended
network enabled" before distributed multisite communication can


Failsoft refers to an EDACS trunked site's mode of operation when
the site's Site Controller is not operational. The site's control channel
GETC has primary control of basic trunking features.

Failsoft 2

Failsoft 2 refers to a site's mode of operation when its control data
link is not operational. This could occur, for example, if the phone
lines between the uplink and downlink GETCs are defective. During
the Failsoft 2 mode, multisite communication with units logged onto
the failed site is not possible.


Field refers to the area of the dialog box which allows data entry for
a particular parameter or displays information concerning operation
of the CEC/IMC relevant to that particular dialog box.


First In First Out – FIFO integrated circuits provide the interface
between digital information paths of widely varying speeds. This
allows the information source to operate at its own intrinsic speed,
while the results may be processed or distributed at a speed
commensurate with need.