Installation instructions. read me – Airaid 300-717 User Manual
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Installation Instructions. Read Me!
See your local dealer for details
Remove Factory Intake Assembly
a) Loosen and remove the two 10mm bolts below the silencer box.
See Fig#1
b) Loosen the hose clamp on the throttle body using a flat head
c) Loosen the two clamps on the intake tube connecting the silencer
box to the filter box.
d) Remove the silencer box and accordion tube. Retain factory throttle
body coupler for reinstall of M.I.T.
Airaid Modular Intake Tube Installation (Refer to
a) Install the urethane hump hose onto larger end of the MIT tube
using the # 56 hose clamp provided.
b) Reinstall factory throttle body coupler onto smaller end of M.I.T
tube. Coupler must be orientated with the clamp screw at the 12
o’clock position.
c) Slide the MIT tube into the throttle body.
d) Align hump hose with air filter box assembly. Slide the hump hose
over end of the air filter box & secure using a #56 hose clamp.
e) If your vehicle is equipped with an air temperature sensor, insert the
rubber grommet into the hole on the MIT and mount the air
temperature sensor into the grommet. See FIG#3
f) If your vehicle is not equipped with an air temperature sensor,
insert the rubber grommet plug into the hole on the MIT.
Airaid Jr. P/N 300-717 Replacement Filter
a) If you purchased the Airaid Jr. kit P/N 300-717, replace the
factory air filter with the Airaid Premium Filter included in the
Airaid Jr. kit.
Finishing Up
a) Tighten all hose clamps.
b) Inspect overall work.
c) Check hood clearance.
d) Ensure that no foreign objects are in the intake path!
e) Re-connect negative battery cable.
Airaid Intake Systems Cold Air
Dam, P/N 300-117.
Some vehicles are equipped with an
air temp. sensor.
Airaid Filter Co. 2688 E Rose Garden Ln. Phoenix AZ 85050 (800) 498-6951