Triplett Fox 2 & Hound 3 – PN: 3399 User Manual

Page 45

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to use a light bulb to activate True Trace. Simply connect a
120VAC incandescent bulb (any wattage) across the wires.
If the bulb lights, the line is live. If the cadence changes, the
target wire has been located. If nothing happens, keep search-

An adapter with a standard lightbulb base and clip leads can
often be purchased at a local hardware store. Resistance Heating Wires:
The FOX 2 and HOUND 3 can be used to trace the path of a
resistance heating wire in a plaster wall or ceiling. This is
usually performed to find an open in the wire. It is best if the
user is familiar with resistance heating techniques, particu-
larly in regard to the typical patterns used for the wire path.
The wire is usually in a serpentine pattern, with the wire spac-
ing and orientation varying depending on the amount of heat
needed in different areas of the room.

Finding the open can be a challenge. Several techniques can
be, and should be, used.

It helps if the user performs a few experiments before try-
ing to find the open. See Figure 9. Attach a few pieces of
wire (any kind) more than several feet long to each clip of
the FOX 2. Lay the wires out on a non-conducting surface (a
wood floor with no metal in the vicinity..... nails are OK, but
make sure there’s no metal furnace duct below the floor)
parallel to each other, about 4 “ apart. Using the HOUND 3,
trace along one of the wires, in normal fashion, noting how
the tracer tone becomes stronger as the wire is approached.
Now trace along the other wire, noting that it behaves just