Triplett Fox 2 & Hound 3 – PN: 3399 User Manual
Page 22
junction boxes, metal conduit, etc.), the effectiveness of the
HOUND 3 is impaired. In multi-wire cables, grounded wires,
or wires connected to low impedance circuits, adjacent to
the target wire can act as shields, reducing the HOUND 3’s
ability to sense properly. Spreading the wires apart will re-
duce the shielding effect and allow the HOUND 3 to work
better. Defects in a cable or wires, such as shorts or opens,
will reduce the signal amplitude and hence the HOUND 3’s
ability to locate the target wire. Terminating a wire or line in
a low impedance also reduces signal amplitude and the
HOUND 3’s locating ability. It is also possible for wire posi-
tion to cause nullification of the field.
If the target wire is connected to other wires and circuits,
for example, to switches, lights, relays, transformers, etc.,
the FOX 2 TONE will pass through these devices and out
onto other wires connected to these devices..... making trac-
ing of the target wire very difficult, if not impossible.
In general, the FOX 2 and HOUND 3 cannot be use to trace
wires buried underground or in concrete. This is because
the moisture content of the earth or of concrete allows the
surface to be electrically conductive, causing it to act as a
shield around the buried wire.
Wet drywall, wet cinder block walls, or any wet wall surface
will also shield the FOX 2 signal, preventing the HOUND 3
from detecting its presence.
The actual wire being wet can shield the signal. The wire can
be wet internally, shielding the signal. This phenomena has
been observed in “Romex” electrical wire. The internal pa-