Triplett Fox 2 & Hound 3 – PN: 3399 User Manual
Page 26
8.1.3: Continuity Testing:
The FOX 2 has both audible and visual continuity tests. Usu-
ally, continuity tests are performed using the red and green
clip leads . . . although it will also work through the RJ-45 /
RJ-11 Adaptor cable. For the greatest degree of safety, use
the clip leads.
To test for continuity, select the desired mode (either AU-
DIBLE CONT or VISUAL CONT / TALK) and then connect the
clip leads to the circuit to be tested. If there is continuity,
either the beeper will sound or the VISUAL CONT / TALK
LED will light.
Helpful Hints:
The FOX 2’s 120VAC protection circuitry may prevent the
continuity beeper or LED from sounding or lighting if the
clip leads are connected to the circuit to be tested before the
FOX 2’s switch is set to the AUDIBLE CONT or VISUAL CONT
/ TALK position. To use the FOX 2’s continuity testing fea-
tures, set the switch on the FOX 2 to the AUDIBLE CONT or
VISUAL CONT / TALK position before connecting the FOX 2
to the circuit to be tested.
If the circuit being tested has AC or DC voltage present, the
FOX 2 may not identify continuity correctly.
8.1.4: Talk Power:
“Talk Power” can be used as a power source to operate tele-
phone linesman’s talksets (“buttsets”) when CO power is not
available. The VISUAL CONT / TALK mode is used to supply
talk power.