Triplett 2000 User Manual
Page 29

Page 29 Connect the test leads across the circuit to be measured. If the Pointer deflects, then there is a foreign voltage present
which would cause errors in the resistance measurement, if at-
tempted. The approximate full scale voltage is 15 VDC, although
AC voltage will also be detected. The NEG Indicator will light if the
test leads are unconnected, or if connected and no voltage, or nega-
tive voltage is present. For both positive and negative inputs, as
well as AC, the pointer will deflect upscale. If a foreign voltage is detected, disconnect the test leads
from the circuit under test and refer to Section 5.1 to determine the
exact nature of the foreign voltage so that it may be removed. If no foreign voltage is present, then a resistance measure-
ment can be made. Proceed to Section 5.4.2.
Resistance Measuring Mode - After determining that there
is no foreign voltage present, a resistance measurement may be
made by depressing and holding the Push For Ohms Switch.