Dynacord Professional Power Amplifiers User Manual
Page 7

a high degree of innovation, uncompromising
quality, exceptional user-friendliness and truely
legendary reliability and value retention have for
over 60 years defined the brand dYnacord.
the first generations of professional
mixing amplifiers [Eminent, Gigant]
the first tape-echo/reverb devices [Echochord]
the first ‘affordable’ digital reverb device [DRS 78]
the most advanced digital drums
[ADDone, ADDtwo]
the first professional digital reverb device based
on 32-bit floating-point processing [DRP-20]
the first processor power amplifiers
with LPN filters [PCA series]
one of the most successful power amplifiers
in concert sound [L2400 / EV P3000]
the first processor-controlled
complete audio system [P3, P5]
the first digital loudspeaker controller with
graphic display of the acoustic system frequency
response in the editing software [DSP 224/244
with CrossMax and EV Dx34/38 with RACE]
the Planar Waveguide bass horns
[F 18, Alpha B3 and many others]
the world’s most powerful disco system [Alpha]
the world’s most successful
powered mixer [PowerMate]
the first stackable
compact line array system [Cobra]
the first Class H grounded bridge
high-performance power amplifiers [PowerH]
the unique IRIS-Net network software
[incl. remote supervision, remote control of
power amplifiers and digital audio matrices]
the first digital power amplifiers with
VLD-variable load drive [DSA Multi-Channel]